
BWV 45 & BWV 164 - It has been told to you, mankind!
Join the Sydney Cantata Project for an afternoon of Bach, performed on period instruments in the beautiful setting of Living Hope Anglican Church (St Martin’s Killara).

BWV 5 & BWV 67 - Where shall I flee?
The Sydney Cantata Project launches its 2025 season with a performance of two of Bach’s compelling cantatas, presented on period instruments at St Stephen’s Anglican Church, Newtown, on Saturday 15 March at 3pm.

CPE Bach Magnificat
Join the Sydney Cantata Project on Saturday, 30 November at 3pm at St Paul's Anglican Church, Burwood, for a performance of C.P.E. Bach's Magnificat. Soloists Angela Brun, Sally-Anne Russell, Richard Butler, and David Greco will be featured, with Jack Stephens as the Artistic Director.

Zelenka Misere
Join the Sydney Cantata Project for their next concert on Saturday, 12 October at 3pm at St John's Anglican Church, Darlinghurst.

Behold, the Lion has Triumphed - BWV 173 & BWV 219
Enjoy the sublime world of Johann Sebastian Bach's cantatas as the Sydney Cantata Project presents their next concert on Saturday 3 August at 3pm at St Stephen's Anglican Church, Newtown.

'Jesus, now be praised' - BWV 41 & BWV 74
Immerse yourself in the sublime world of Johann Sebastian Bach's cantatas as St Martin's Anglican Church presents an enchanting afternoon concert on Saturday 22 June at 3pm.

Now thank we all our god - bwv 192 & bwv 146
Join us on Saturday 27 April 3pm for two exciting cantatas by Bach, one incomplete cantata based on the hymn 'Nun danket alle Gott' (Now thank we all our God') and the other featuring an virtuosic organ obbligato which will be performed by Samuel Giddy!

BWV 18 & BWV 175 - 'Just as the rain and snow fall from heaven'
Join us for the 2024 season opening of the Sydney Cantata Project!

BWV 14 & BWV 151
This concert features two rarely heard cantatas by JS Bach, Süßer Trost, mein Jesus kömmt (Sweet comfort, my Jesus comes), BWV 151 and Wär Gott nicht mit uns diese Zeit (Were God not with us at this time), BWV 14.

Coffee Cantata
Quatorze and The Sydney Cantata Project are delighted to present a concert of music featuring Bach‘s Coffee Cantata, arias from other cantatas, and other works from the era of Frederick The Great.

BWV 34 & BWV 191
This concert features two of the largest cantatas by JS Bach, O ewiges Feuer, o Ursprung der Liebe, BWV 34 (O eternal fire, o source of love) and Gloria in excelsis Deo, BWV 191.

BWV 181 & BWV 199
This concert features two exciting but rarely performed cantatas by JS Bach, Leichtgesinnte Flattergeister, BWV 181 ('Light-minded frivolous spirits') and 'Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan, BWV 99 ('What God does is well done'), both which feature exciting obbligato solos from the flute and violin.

Ascension Oratorio
On Saturday 27 May 3pm, all are welcome to St Martin’s Killara to hear some of Australia’s most exciting musicians perform JS Bach’s magnificent Ascension Oratorio, free to attend.